DR power product

Field, brush and trimmer mowers that can't be beaten.

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DR Power Products

DR is recognised for its range of innovative power equipment, solving unique problems faced by lifestyle block owners and contractors - whether it's taming overgrown properties or trimming under fences around the home.

Of particular popularity in New Zealand is DR's Field and Brush mowers, available in both tow behind as well as walk behind, and DR Trimmer mowers which make trimming super easy.

Manufactured in Vermont, USA, you can be guaranteed of a durable and hard working product and great backup from OMC Power Equipment.

Check out the range of trimmer mowers, stump grinders, field and brush mowers and log splitters below.

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Field & Brush Mowers

DR's range of walk behind, self propelled Field and Brush mowers are ideal for taming overgrown land and will demolish grass up to 1.5m high, as well as small trees! Get your property looking sharp again with minimal effort.

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Trimmer Mowers

Put your handheld trimmer back in the shed. With a DR Trimmer Mower, you can cover a lot more ground, with less fatigue, and up to 6x the power of handheld brushcutters! Options also include circular saw blades for clearing small trees, and a tree guard to avoid taking bark off while in use as a trimmer mower.

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Tow Behind Mowers

DR's tow behind trimmer mower and field and brush mowers make trimming along fencelines, driveways, orchards or mowing paddocks a breeze. Simple to tow behind your ATV / quad or tractor, these can also be offset for precise trimming where you need it most.


I bought the DR Trimmer Mower for use around a passion fruit orchard, and it's awesome. Highly recommend it.

Rod from Opotiki has found his DR trimmer mower the ideal tool for trimming around his passionfruit orchard.

Watch the video to find out more about DR's Trimmer mower range.

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